Saturday, February 07, 2009

Why shoot a butler? – Georgette Heyer

The title sure catches your eye for one thing. The book is a good time-pass but definitely not in the genre of Agatha Christie and her Hercule Poirot. In the bid to make it extremely confusing and intriguing the author fails to hold the reader’s interest and makes it too convulated. Its about a snobbish barrister who is also extremely intelligent of course and an amteur detective to boot with unruffled feathers in the face of gruesome death. With a beautiful lady in distress who is spunky but definitely irritatingly idiotic. There is a very typical uncle and aunt- the uncle who hates people in his house and must bow down to propriety and the aunt who appears vague but in reality is extremely astute; a cousin who plays the usual bubbling girl-turning-into-woman to the hilt with an unhealthy attraction for the gory. I think I will prefer to stick to Georgette Heyer’s romance novels from now on which are a great fun read for people who like period romances.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

After a decent interval

Haven't painted in so many days. And it can't possibly be due to lack of time for sure. Laziness is a disease that will take over all your life if you let it. As i have. This laptop does add some new zing to life. It's always fun to type something and sort of put it up even if you know nobody but your hubby darling is going to take a sneak peak. But it still feels like you are contributing something important to this world. It gives you that feeling of self importance. I mean when you see someone in a cafe in a movie or an ad fiddling with his/her lap top you immediately feel they are doing something real important.. imagine if you saw me typing with all this concentration at some public place you would surely think I am some Phd scholar with some big theory to change this world or maybe some 'just graduate' trying to find a job. And I am not doing anything monumental at all. I am just enjoying some fun time on my hubbleIs new comp.... I love it!! great fun pass time for now.... and I am really going to start with the painting stuff again... but it also needs a lot of concentration and my attention span seems to be decreasing as fast as my age seems to be increasing....

Starting new

First day back on the blog. can't think of what to say. maybe will try again in a few hours or a few days.....